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ductless air conditioner on a wall

Your Phoenix Experts in Ductless Air Conditioning

When it comes to ductless AC installation, repair, and maintenance, having a reliable ductless air conditioning service that you can call when a problem arises is crucial. At Meadow Air, we understand how important time is when a malfunction occurs, which is why our professional technicians can perform emergency repairs whenever necessary

If you live in the Phoenix, AZ, area, there’s no better choice for ductless air conditioning services than Meadow Air. Our main priority is always customer satisfaction, so whether you need us to install a new unit, repair the one that’s been causing you trouble, or perform regular maintenance, we’ve got you covered.

worker fixing ductless air conditioner

Ductless Air Conditioning Services in Phoenix, AZ

If you live in Arizona, then you know that summers can be brutal here – and when the summer heat is coming at you in full force, ductless air conditioning can be a real godsend, as long as it works right. The last thing you want in the middle of a summer heatwave is a malfunctioning AC system. 

That’s why at Meadow Air, we are ready to help you whenever and with whatever you need. Has your ductless air conditioning system broken down? Or do you want to completely replace your AC unit because the one you have does not suit your needs anymore? Whatever the case is, we can help. 

When it comes to ductless air conditioning services, especially repair, time is of the essence, and here at Meadow Air, we understand that. That’s why our technicians can be with you even on the same day so that you can transform your home into a refreshing oasis it is when the AC is working as it should. Get in touch with us today and make sure that your ductless air conditioning stays on top of its game.

ductless air conditioner

Reliable Ductless AC System Installation Services

Having a properly installed ductless air conditioning system is of utmost importance. If it’s not, not only will your house not be cooled down properly, but it might also cause your energy bills to increase, not to mention that it can be a fire hazard. Safe to say, having an experienced and qualified crew to handle the AC installation process is crucial. The same goes for repair and maintenance. 

Our team at Meadow Air is experienced in the installation, repair, and maintenance services of ductless air conditioning services, ensuring that your system is and continues to be at its full efficiency.

How Will You Benefit from Ductless Air Conditioning System

If you’re still on the fence about switching from a traditional AC system to a ductless one, there are a few reasons why it’s a good idea:

Easier Installation

If you don’t have ductwork in your home, then a ductless air conditioning system will not only be easier to install but also significantly cheaper. You also have more flexibility about where to place it.


Ductless air conditioning units can cool down only parts of your home, which prevents you from wasting energy cooling down areas that are currently not in use.

Quiet operation

For some people, the noise associated with air conditioning systems makes it impossible to fully enjoy their benefits. Ductless AC systems operate much more quietly, as most of the unit is placed outside your home.

 Contact Meadow Air Now for Expert Ductless Air Conditioning Services in Phoenix!

Why Choose Meadow Air for Your Ductless Air Conditioning Needs?

Leading Industry Experts

At Meadow Air, we take the time to constantly educate ourselves so that we can provide the best services to our customers. That’s what makes us one of the best not only in the Phoenix area but also in the industry. Our team consists of EPA-certified technicians with years of experience, so you can be sure that your ductless air conditioning will be in good hands.

Affordable Prices

We understand that a working ductless air conditioning system is not a luxury but something without which hot Arizona summers become unbearable. That’s why all of our services are competitively priced. Each situation is unique, however, so for a more precise estimate, don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

Reliable HVAC Services

We know just how important time can be when it comes to HVAC, which is why we try to get to our customers as soon as we can. Our technicians are highly specialized and will be there to save the day if an emergency arises as quickly as within the same day.

What Our Customers Say About Meadow Air Ductless Air Conditioning Services

Call Meadow Air Today for Your Ductless AC Conditioning Needs

Our expert team is always available to help you throughout Arizona with all types of ductless air conditioning services, including installations, repairs, replacements, and maintenance, among others. Contact us today to schedule service in the Phoenix area.